Sunday, March 25, 2012

Question: How do we find the area of parallelograms, kites, and trapezoids.

Answer: Woah that's a lot of shapes! :O
So lets start of with parallelograms :) and lets review what area is, area is the space inside a shape.

Okay so now, to find the area of a parallelogram you must multiply the base times the height. Its very similar to finding the area of a rectangle :) AREA=B*H
Okay lets move on into trapezoids:
To find the area of a trapezoid, you must add the two bases and divide them by two, then you multiply it by the height. It sounds a bit confusing so lets look at it visually :)

Finally. lets learn how to find the area of a kite:
To find the area of a kite you must multiply the two diagonals and divide them by two.

Find the area of the following figure:

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